Trial information:
Trial:RK competition, course 2, previous course
Location:Harjumaa, Keila
Organizer:Keila Koerasõprade Klubi "Ipson" (IPSON)
Judge:Karin Lassmann
Results (56):
LevelDogBreed HandlerTimePointsMark ResultPlace
RK1Lizzira's Burn Brightly ZevilSHEAve-Ly Toom1.5898excellent RK11
RK1Karolegotto NanetteRVKMarit Kungla1.3597excellent RK12
RK1Follow The Leader Black StarBCNatalia Garastsenko1.3695excellent RK13
RK1Majestic Horizon Admirable SennaSHPKätlin Palmiste2.1591excellent RK14
RK1Elbar's Black Brilliant RoseSHETatjana Ponomarenko1.5290excellent RK15
RK1TrishaCTSvetlana Mikhalchenko289very good RK16
RK1Amy's White Rose von den Hohenheimer HerdernHLKMargot Luukas1.3788very good RK17
RK1Chiron D'eroudur From Vilko KraujasLAEIreen Neiland2.185very good RK18
RK1Madgic Nose Shadow GuardianLABAnna Guseva2.1583very good RK19
RK1Faithful Amigo Island IsabelaLEOÜlle Kuriks2.1783very good RK110
RK1Meli Unikalus GreitisBCViktoria Jazõkova2.580very good RK111
RK1Lexberry's Winter Remix GregJRTLisette Ploomipuu1.5974good RK112
RK1White Galanthus Glorentin GrumberWHTAnu Helemäe2.4373good RK113
RK1Baltic Success Honey MontySHEKarl Lomp2.170good RK114
RK1Eleonor Diamond DragonJRTKairit Tammets2.1263
RK1Lexberry's Winter Romance IlzeJRTAimi Käsik2.4851
RK1Chanson D'ete AdriaticaVPPilvi Krause2.3448
RK1Krösaskogens DexterLGSAade Aaswithdrawn
RK1Heidelind's Just PerfectCPKEvelin Avarsaludisq.
RK2Ajawixen's American BeautyAVLEls Rusi2.0499excellent RK21
RK2Twilight Moon Sparkling StarCPKAnette Rantanen2.0295excellent RK22
RK2Best Jack Nina RicciJRTKadi Kivi1.3490excellent RK23
RK2Bimbik's DominicISSTiina Pariis2.1387very good RK24
RK2Snowy Sand Born To Be My QueenCPKKerit-Lii Joasoon2.0185very good RK25
RK2Lexberry's Winter Remix GraceJRTKristi Vaidla1.5979good RK26
RK2Majestic Horizon Admirable HunduSHPKadi-Britta Aigro2.4268
RK2Winlaw Art First ImpressionISSEve-Ly Kübard2.1663
RK2AshleyMIXOksana Surninadisq.
RK2Jepax NoraHLKMargot Luukasdisq.
RK2SkyeMIXLeika Leemets3.32
RK3Black Widow von den Hütern AsgardsBEAnni Renno2.2895excellent RK31
RK3Margman NesquickenSLKAnu Ojase2.283very good RK32
RK3Kleine Sonne Light Of The MoonALKKatrin Rank2.3278good RK33
RK3Waterfriend Head Over WaterLABMaria Grigorjeva3.2274good RK34
RK3HermiineMIXEleri Roose3.0268
RK3Milli Miller AlexandraCPKKerit-Lii Joasoon3.3167
RK3Kleine Sonne Dawn LightALKMargus Mägi3.436
RK3Way To Heaven AndreasLABMaria Grigorjevadisq.
RK3Majestic Horizon Admirable JetySHPKätlin Palmistedisq.
RK4Ingardia Perfect PartnerBCVladislava Akimova2.2696excellent RK41
RK4My Trusted Friend Be LunaBCViktoria Lumbe2.496excellent RK42
RK4Bariguard Extreme PrinceBCKersti Lang2.2391excellent RK43
RK4Nord Black Night IzabelBCTatjana Pavlova2.5789very good RK44
RK4Follow The Leader ThunderboltBCElena Kravchenko2.2287very good RK45
RK4Happy Alfa FortunaBCAet Leemet2.4380very good RK46
RK4Woollycoat Fergus FerrariCPKAnnika Parv3.0177good RK47
RK4VictoriaLABMerrit Angerjärv2.3274good RK48
RK4Liivapõhja XenaBCKristi Murel2.4974good RK49
RK4Dolmaris TintalleCPKAnette Rantanen3.3170good RK410
RK4Jiang Bai MetisBCNatalia Garastsenko2.4261
RK4La'sambelles Garconne ExquisPBKert Lokotar-Reimann3.1456
RK4Cen Clarence's Dom PerignonVPPiret Tuul3.0355
RK4Daisy Queen Of Sky Mystique RegniBCKristi Murel2.5152
RK4Armirelli Simple RedAUTAnne-Lii Sild3.5922
RKVUdolas VaivorykšteSNElena Kravchenko2.1993excellent RKV1
RKVElliMIXKatrin Rank2.493excellent RKV2
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