Trial information:
Trial:RK competition, course 1, next course
Organizer:DogVActive Koertekool (DOGVACT)
Judge:Zaiga Zvirbule
Results (31):
LevelDogBreed HandlerTimePointsMark ResultPlace
RK1Blue Sirius Beautiful DreamerWCCJekaterina Matusihis2.1597excellent RK11
RK1Waterfriend Head Over WaterLABMaria Grigorjeva2.0594excellent RK12
RK1Bersifjor Infinite PotenzialitaSILElvira Petrova2.387very good RK13
RK1Red Star Bauty Princess LillyTERMaie Märdimäe2.1485very good RK14
RK1Irokon Neverending TaleCPKMari Teras2.464
RK1Chriskooi's MufasaHVVTiiu Kriisa3.355
RK2FerryMIXSandra Kasesalu2.2486very good RK21
RK2Ability Kenci KrissyBOXLiile Jõgi2.3786very good RK22
RK2Iton HunterMIXVeronika Steptšenko2.4984very good RK23
RK2LunaMIXSandra Kasesalu2.3582very good RK24
RK2Zebulons Wick RocksSILAet Toose2.481very good RK25
RK2Blackthorn Rainy RiverLABAili Kivinurm3.0270good RK26
RK2Dilina Royal Tellement BeauPOMJelena Voronova3.3468
RK2Armirelli Mirror ImageAUTEva-Maria Lass3.148
RK4Follow The Leader ThunderboltBCElena Kravchenko2.1998excellent RK41
RK4Happy Alfa FortunaBCAet Leemet2.1893excellent RK42
RK4Blue Sirius Tricks Of The LightWCCDiana Lill2.3693excellent RK43
RK4Aigu Om La VieSHEMaret Saaremets2.2789very good RK44
RK4Icepeak Love For GamesBCVivian Ainsalu2.2387very good RK45
RK4Gewitter La XeniaRVKHeleri Leibenau2.0386very good RK46
RK4My Trusted Friend Be LunaBCViktoria Lumbe2.3786very good RK47
RK4Icepeak Ray's Fellow DreamerBCAnnabel Koots2.2783very good RK48
RK4U Are So Unique Z KovarnyTERJaneli Tikk2.1281very good RK49
RK4VälekJRTVivian Ainsalu2.3581very good RK410
RK4Džessbell Carlita CloverPBLiisa-Lotte Jaanisoo2.4281very good RK411
RK4Udolas VaivorykšteSNElena Kravchenko2.3680very good RK412
RK4My Trusted Friend BronaBCViktoria Lumbe2.3777good RK413
RK4Kurat Grand Drewy DarsySBTHelen Viilo2.5574good RK414
RK4Kleine Sonne Dawn LightALKMarion Mägi3.0662
RK4La'sambelles Garconne ExquisPBKert Lokotar-Reimann3.4622
RK4Private-Stefal RihannaBKKMargus Mägiwithdrawn
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