Trial information:
Trial:RK trial, course 1, next course
Location:Harjumaa, Tagadi
Organizer:Eesti Austraalia Lambakoerte tõuühing (EALT)
Judge:Irina Popjonoka
Results (24):
LevelDogBreed HandlerTimePointsMark Result
RK1Liivapõhja XenaBCKristi Murel1.3598excellent RK1
RK1Ladyace Starlight CricketALKAnne Heinla2.1291excellent RK1
RK1Daisy Queen Of Sky Mystique RegniBCKristi Murel1.3890excellent RK1
RK1Berrypets Black SabbathBHMaarja Kalma2.1990excellent RK1
RK1Karjapeni UruLPAge Tuisk2.2688very good RK1
RK1Stylesign AliceBOXMaarja Kalma2.0486very good RK1
RK1Kalliskivi Mega Rõõmus MiiaALKIrja Toome1.5385very good RK1
RK1Blue Sirius Tricks Of The LightWCCDiana Lill2.0585very good RK1
RK1Norbon Hill Bell Olive NuareLABAili Kivinurm1.4983very good RK1
RK1Kleine Sonne Go BirdieALKMerike Hütt2.0181very good RK1
RK1Kleine Sonne Go CondorALKKristel Timmusk2.0277good RK1
RK1Alis Blues Podarok SudbiNFAili Kivinurm2.1177good RK1
RK1Peak River Perfect Catch Of LuckALKSiiri Ladva1.4176good RK1
RK1Peak River Exlucive SnowflakeALKPille Siidra2.1958
RK2Ocean Brizo AusyteALKMarge Rebane1.5298excellent RK2
RK2Chilli DeabeiBCKersti Lang1.4893excellent RK2
RK2Chriskooi's HelmiHVVGerli Toomela2.0793excellent RK2
RK2LolaMIXKei Kvanstrom2.1690excellent RK2
RK2Peak River Ice Cream Rocky RoadALKMarge Rebane1.5989very good RK2
RK2Peak River Hiphop Diddy ShuffleALKAhti Allikas2.1278good RK2
RK2Ladyace Sunshine CharlotteALKAnne Heinla2.1975good RK2
RK2Milli Miller AlexandraCPKKerit-Lii Joasoon3.3965
RK2DallasPBAade Aas3.4116
RKVHarmony Hill's Runnin@Mystic FallsALKMarge Perri1.5991excellent RKV
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