Trial information:
Trial:Jahiomaduste kindlaks tegemine 500-600 m pikkusel kunstlikul verejäljel (VJ) (500-600m.)
Location:Klooga, Harjumaa
Organizer:Lääne-Harju Koertekasvatajte Klubi
Judge:Natalija Borodajenko (LV)
For more detailed result, follow the link under Points.
DogBreedHandler1. Result
Kenzira's Concordia Dachshund Rabbit, Smooth-haired Rita Kermet4030151095I järk VJ
Lisellejulia Dachshund Miniature, Smooth-haired Ilona Alla4030151095I järk VJ
Sicher Freund Elliot Dachshund Standard, Long-haired Anne Toompalu3227151084I järk VJ
Chrystalcandius Dachshund Standard, Smooth-haired Maila Vaher2827151080II järk VJ
Hodja's Ultra Unique Mini Dachshund Miniature, Wire-haired Kadi Ivask & Pille Veermäe2021151066III järk VJ
Iiah's Duke Dapple Dachshund Miniature, Long-haired Kristin Kerem202115662III järk VJ
Chaver Hachi Tov Frida Dachshund Miniature, Smooth-haired Ruth Orro2412151061III järk VJ
Iiah's Donna Piccolina Dachshund Rabbit, Long-haired Kristin Kerem201815760III järk VJ
Free Soul Ready To Love Rudy Jr. Dachshund Standard, Smooth-haired Margit Pütsepp281212860III järk VJ
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